Developing as a Professional Educator

1. Revisit the overarching, long-term goal you set for yourself in your Initial CSTP Self-Assessment. Describe your progress towards achieving this goal. Compare and contrast your Initial CSTP and your Final CSTP.  What are your areas of strength? Where are your opportunities for continuous improvement? In what ways have you surprised yourself?

When I first began the CTI Induction Program, my initial goal was to improve the ways I assess students in a way that allows be to provide meaningful, individualized, and differentiated insturction.

I feel I have made progress towards this goal in many ways.  Cycle 3: Differentiating for Student Success helped me structure my spelling instruction so I can see where my students skills are at the beginning of the week and give them the proper support throughout the week, knowing that information. I've added more choices and technology that allows the students to pick how they want to study their spelling words, and found programs like, RAZ-Kids, that assess and assigns the students to a JUST RIGHT reading level.

Looking back on my Initial CSTP, I already felt comfortable with a lot of the CSTP going into this program. Coming out of the program, I realize that there is so much more I can learn. I was given so many wonderful resources and new prespectives on old ideas, and it made me want more. 

I feel some of my strengths have been maintaining effective environments and designing learning experiences for all students. Each year I teach, i'm always trying to find new ways to keep EACH student involved in the classroom and their own learning by giving them choices, specific directions, and scaffolding when neccessary.

I always feel I could improve assessing the students. It was my first initial goal, but it will be a forever goal for me. If I continue finding stronger and quicker ways to assess the students, I feel I can provide them with more meaning during classroom time-- give the students what they need. Time management is also somethign I feel I could work on. With no plan periods, I'm using my own time to grade and assess homework and tests, and plan what happens in the classroom. Something I'd like to look into is managing my time at school so all these things are finished before I go home, and in a timely fashion. 

I've surprised myself with my ability to communicate. The CTI Induction Program has provided me with SO MANY awesome resrouces. Not only have I used and tried several of the resources, but I have been able to share them with colleagues, coworkers, and parents. I hear about my students doing Mind-Yeti meditaion at home and other teachers using GoNoodle in the classroom, simply because we talked about it. Now everyone benefits from the resources!

2. Describe a professional goal you have for yourself beyond induction.Why have you identified this as a need or interest? What actions will you take? How will you assess goal attainment?

A professional goal I have for myself is to continue being a life-long learner myself, to always  learn new techniques and strategies through professional development . I have identified this as a need because I felt like I learned a lot through the induction program that I hadn't known before  it was great to learn new skills, and I know there are so many more I could still learn. To attain this goal, I'd like to take more  classes on a subject matter that has been been apparently important in this field of work-- classes for teaching English Learners. I'll be able to assess this goal by completeing the classes and obtaining my clear credential  

3. What actions can you take to remain a connected educator throughout your career?

To remain a connected teacher, I could share resources and ideas  with colleagues and/or through blogging. I enjoy reading and discussing other teacher's perspectives on teaching and finding new resources online using Teachers Pay Teachers, Edutopia, or even Pinterest! I also stay connected with colleagues through LinkedIn and Facebook groups.

4. What can you do personally and professionally, to sustain the energy it takes to be passionate about students, teaching, and learning? (Ideas from Edutopia)

To sustain the energy it takes to be passionate about students, teaching, and learning, professionally, I think it's important to not be afraid to try new things and skills. While following best practices and meeting high standards, trying a new way to teach something can keep things exciting for yourself , especially after teaching for several years. Finding new resources and trying them out keeps things refreshed in the classroom.

But while try new things, I also think it's important to establish a routine and behavior management that works for you and the students. Strong classroom management can keep things flowing smoothly all year to prevent burnout!  

Personally,  I think it's important to reflect on each day, but to sometimes let things go when you leave the school. Revisit thoughts when you're back at work. I use my drive home  as a time for reflections, but when I get home I enjoy cooking healthy meals and do leaisure activities. Establishing a routine at home and getting enough sleep is essential to sustain energy to be passionate.


5. Include one quote from your reflective coach or administrator about your talents or strengths.

"Beata brings so much energy to the profession and her classroom.  She always is striving to give her students quality lessons in an exciting, engaging manner.  She describes herself as fun, funny, and friendly, and that comes across in her classroom.  Her students are lucky to have her as their teacher!" - Barry Wissman

6. What advice do you have for new teachers entering the profession?

Each year is different from the next! I've often heard teachers say, "Your first year is the hardest" -- which actually was true for me. But for some it may not. Each year you have a new set of students, new parents, and new skills and experiences that you acquired from the year before. Just like your students, you're a life-long learner and you're constantly figuring out what works and what doesn't work.

Ask for help. Talk to your colleagues that have been there longer. They may give you some advice or you might find out they feel the same way about something. You're never alone as a teacher. Communicate and connect with teachers at your school and even online. Teachers are naturals at lending a helping hand.